Well bloggers, we have recently completed another new pond, and in the prestigious Waterfall Estate. The pond was finished off with black marbelite, and with water volume of 20 000 litres. (See pictures of complete product).  In real terms, 20x medium koi can be added to the pond once water has circulated for the 7-10 days minimum to ensure toxins are out, with a few goldfish. We recommend 1x medium koi per 1000L of water maximum to ensure good growth and enough ‘breathing’ space. In ponds, less fish is better for healthy, active fish to prosper!

With the depth of approximately 1,5m  on average and with 3 bottom drains, the water clarity will be fantastic and the fish clearly visible, which is ultimately all koi lovers dream.

The pond equipment used to sustain it can also be seen in the photo’s and as for all new ponds, comes with weekly backwash instruction to ensure a sparkling pond all year round.

Please feel free to contact us should you be interested in enhancing your garden with a new pond, or to upgrade your existing pond and equipment.

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